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> February 2017
Why gas prices have gone up.
Two removed from Court, get 93 days for contempt.
Woman celebrates divorce with dress burning photoshoot
What's in those $100,000 + Oscar swag bags?
Doctors viewing stress over political issues as "deeply concerning.."
Don't care what your religious or political beliefs should watch this
Ummm..yeah. It's a definite miracle...NOT!
So, what are most Americans doing with their tax refunds?
How would you like your daughter to bring home this guy??
Cops find missing teens after they were pulled over for driving extremely slow
Close-up of something you do so often is both gross and oddly satisfying
The top 8 most exciting iPhone 8 rumors!
A heartfelt commercial called, "Ben's Glasses"
Ball from Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster makes it into space 31 years later
Tiffin looks to quiet trains and make it safer!
Have you seen "The Band Perry's" transformation from Country to Pop?
Woman shares her "trick" to finding her Breast Cancer lump early
"Cash Me Ousside" girl punches an airline passenger, cops called!
New Whisper app thread has moms sharing their regrets about becoming a parent
CNN mistakenly reports Faith Hill is making a Notorius B.I.G Duets album 20 years after his death
The rest of the Super Bowl "84 Lumber" commercial they wouldn't show
Mayor of Put-In-Bay cited for driving without a license...again!