Small resolutions busy Mom's can really keep

Now that the craziness of Christmas has settled down a little, it’s time to think about New Year’s resolutions again. We’re full of good intentions when we vow to quit sugar or give up our Diet Coke habit, but sometimes it’s better to start small. So here are some little New Year’s resolutions that even the busiest moms will have time for, because we know how hectic life can be.

  • Take a minute to breathe when you feel overwhelmed - Because you’d be amazed how much a few deep breaths can help when you’re running on no sleep or patience.
  • Make more time for self-care - Prioritize yourself this year! Give yourself the hour you need to have coffee with a friend or go to that yoga class because we all need me-time.
  • Find small ways to cut back on spending - Save for that much-needed vacation by doing little things like cooking at home instead of ordering takeout once a week.
  • Start saying no to things you don't want to do - RSVP “no” more this year.
  • Put down your phone - Sure, you might miss the perfect photo for the ‘gram, but being present without your phone is much more important to your kids.
  • Don't sweat the small stuff - Nothing terrible is going to happen if you leave some dirty dishes in the sink while you relax with a cup of tea and a good book for half an hour.
  • Don't be so hard on yourself - Being a parent is demanding and the world is a tough place sometimes, so be nice to yourself. And remember, you’re doing great, mama.

Source: PopSugar

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